Monday, May 6, 2024

Kaslo Outdoor Recreation and Trails Society

2024 Annual General Meeting Agenda 

Meeting Date: May 8, 2024 @ 7pm

Location: Kaslo United Church Heritage Hall

1. Adoption of the 2024 AGM Agenda

2. Adoption of the 2023 AGM Minutes

3. Business arising from the Minutes

4. Reports
4.1  President (Dan Miles)
4.2  Financial (Ken Butt / Dan Miles)
4.3  Membership (Francois Blouin / Dan Miles)
4.4  Kaslo Mountain Bike Club (Pate Neumann / Rep)

4.5  Kaslo Nordic Ski Club (Sarah Heard / Rep)
4.6  Kaslo Disc Golf Club (KDGC Rep)

4.7  Kaslo Family Mountain Bike Park Outdoor Shelter (Sarah Pollick)

5. New Business
5.1  2024 Trail Crew & Volunteer Work Party Projects (Stu Heard)

5.2  Trail Counters (Stu Heard)

5.3  Election of Directors (max = 11) (Val Koenig)

2024 Nominations standing: 

Dan Miles, Francois Blouin, Ken Butt, Stu Heard, Tom Duchastel, Osa Thatcher, Dave Clement, Heather Stark, KNSC Representative Sarah Heard, KMBC Representative Pate Neumann, KDGC Representative Steve Willott.
