YES, there will be a Trailblazers table at the Saturday Market this summer. We will be there from 10 am to 2 pm every Saturday next to the Kaslo Hotel.
This is the easiest way for many of you to pick up your membership or sponsor an engraved plaque for a bridge tread ($150) or post ($500). While you're in town, wander over to the end of 5th Street and take a look at the bridge construction!
Of course, someone has to be sitting on the other side of the table to register those memberships and accept those sponsorships. Help! We only need 2 hours of your time, and we can arrange for someone to keep you company if you're new to it.
The shifts are Saturdays from 10 am - 12 noon and 12 noon - 2 pm. Please reply to this email or let Chris know at 250-353-7709 if you can do the occasional shift.
We will get this bridge built! And paid for!