Wear old clothes and come to the Village Shop and Maintenance yard (where the recycling bins are located). We will supply brushes and gloves. If we get enough supervisors (very simple duties) we hope to stain every Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday in 2 shifts each day, from 10am-12:30pm, and from 12:30pm-3pm until all of the lumber has received 3 coats of stain. Supervisors will pick up and drop off stain and paint brushes as well as keep track of the number of volunteer hours for that shift. Please call Val 250-353-2168 if you can assist in that capacity. We also require some sawhorses….they do not have to be in the best of shape.
Secondly, we need a Membership chairperson/coordinator. This is not a heavy duty job except for setting up volunteers for membership drives at the Kaslo Credit Union and the Christmas Craft Fair. We have the possibility of raising $1500-$2500 in this week which is good funding for minimal effort. Val will be very happy to guide you through this week. Please don't leave this for someone else….call Val today.
Your sincerely,
Val Koenig, President
Kaslo Trailblazers Society