Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Groomers Report for Tuesday afternoon, Feb 11 by Sarah Heard and Stu Heard
1:30pm temperature at Moose Meadow Cabin was -8C and 2:30pm temperature at Bucky Cabin was -12C, under calm wind conditions…..both were in the sunshine!
This afternoon we groomed and track set the Moose Meadow trail from Hwy 31A to the Cabin. Skiers reported the K9 trail to be in good shape, so we focused on the Wagon Road trail and Bucky Wilderness trail. We groomed and track set the Wagon Road trail passing Yew Cabin to the Prayer Flags. We groomed the Bucky Wilderness trail to Bucky Cabin and return….no track setting on this wilderness trail. All trails are in good condition with no icy or rocky exposure.